Peter Sagal
Peter Sagal is an American playwright, screenwriter, actor, and host of the National Public Radio game show Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!, and the PBS special Constitution USA with Peter Sagal.
Guest Appearances
October 31, 2016
(Guest: Peter Sagal) We have something extra magical in the tavern this week, a unicorn named Windsprinkle.
Arnie: Arnie Niekamp
Chunt: Adal Rifai
Usidore: Matt Young
Windsprinkle: Peter Sagal
Mysterious Man: Tim Sniffen
Tricia: Kate James
Craig: Ryan DiGiorgi
Producers: Arnie Niekamp, Evan Jacover, Ryan DiGiorgi
Editor: Garrett Schultz
Theme Music: Andy Poland
Magic Tavern Logo: Allard Laban
Audio Assistance: Jason Knox
Production Assistance: Garrett Schultz
Episode Art: Ellie Martin
“Gas Wayne Yes My Star” Written and Performed by: Mike Doughty
This episode is brought to you by Cards Against Humanity.