Rob Delaney

Rob Delaney is the reason Twitter was invented. He’s a stand-up comedian, improviser, and writer, but…have you seen those tweets of his? They are great! So is the live show he curates with Dave Holmes, Mapping The Heavens. But if you aren’t in Los Angeles and want the experience of hearing him be funny on stage, you can replicate it through his tweets. Here is a good one: “GUYS: Serious Question: Do you have a favorite fashion blog? – Now for the serious question: WHAT is wrong with you?”
Guest Appearances
September 7, 2020
Comedian Rob Delaney talks with Andy Richter about growing up in Marblehead, Massachusetts, recovering from alcohol addiction, shaping the comedy landscape on Twitter, and moving to the UK for his television show Catastrophe.
November 11, 2013
Twitter expert, comedian extraordinaire, and author Rob Delaney returns on this week’s episode of Comedy Bing! Bong! After a chat about poop, Twitter headquarters, and Rob’s new book, “Rob Delaney: Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban. Cabbage,” a reincarnated Michael Jackson makes a special visit straight from Hell. Hee! Hee!
October 18, 2013
Twitter King Rob Delaney brings his manly beard to the special VPN edition of Sklarbro Country! Rob tells us about the pain he feels when he’s away from his children while doing stand-up on the road, some of the rejected titles for his new book “Rob Delaney: Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban. Cabbage.” singing the national anthem multiple times at Fenway Park & Dodger Stadium, and recently taking over the MLB Twitter account. After Rob answers some listener questions, we call up Bruce Jenner to ask how he’s been dealing with his recent breakup. Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Sklar Bros visits to Lexington, KY; St. Louis, MO and their one-hour special tapings at the Majestic Theatre in Madison, WI.
July 2, 2013
Twitter comedy prophet Rob Delaney discusses his roots in Stand-up comedy, and his life before becoming known as a disgusting, funny bastard the world over in one hundred and forty characters or less. While sharing his own particular struggle to the region between the middle and the top, he’s ridiculously funny and insightful.
May 2, 2012
We all know Rob Delaney as the Public Enemy of Twitter. Today you’ll meet the man behind the offensive speedo profile picture, from his love of pregnant women to his relationship with Jared Leto. The Music Chart introduces us to his unfortunate photography story, and the Movie Chart offers up some more “Sight Unseen” movie reviews. I know for sure that Rob has found a new fan in Hermes the Chart Goose. Listen in, we promise it isn’t just Rob reading tweets for an hour!
September 5, 2011
On a hot summer day, what could be better than chilling out with a bunch of bros? Nothing, that’s what! Rob Delaney, Jimmy Pardo, and Paul Rust join Scott for the ultimate Comedy Bang Bang chill sesh. They play some games, chat about some hot topics, and participate in other bro activities (brotivities, if you will). Grab some bros of your own, and dig in!