Roman Sklar

Roman is the son of the great comedian, Randy Sklar. He’s a little gassy and snores louder than a motorcycle but otherwise is a beautiful animal.
Fun fact: Roman was involved in the making of one of the greatest comedy albums of all time: “Summah This, Summah That”.
Guest Appearances
July 7, 2015
Randy and Jason welcome to this week’s County Emily Maya Mills, who talks about some of the comedians that influenced her, as well as what it was like working with Daniel Van Kirk in the early parts of their career’s. Then, Daniel covers stories from around the world that include a child who is not allowed to play in the yard and a couple that is too naked to get behind the wheel of a car. Additionally, the gang discusses the wonders of The Grateful Dead. Lastly, Jennifer Aniston calls in to explain how great she’s doing.
April 13, 2015
First timer Kyle Bornheimer of the new film The Last Time You Had Fun and SNL alum/return timer Paul Brittain are on today’s Comedy Bing Bong! We get great TV advice and all the deets on Kyle’s movie before Paul answers a knocking door to reveal a new guest by the name of Michael Explosione Jr. from Explosione and Son Trampolines. Prepare yourself to spring into the world of the Explosione family, a world with guaranteed ups and downs.
August 1, 2014
Brett Brett is back with your hosts, KuKu and Howt-of-it, and their special guest Roman Sklar, on this week’s Two Charted! Tune in to hear Howard talk about bonding with Ben Stiller at the Meltdown, the possibility of making music video for ‘Gu-Cruise’, and how Weird Al is his ‘Delilah’. Plus, Kulap talks about entertaining in her new home for the first time, getting her musical fix on, and last weekend’s incredible Netflixapalooza. When you’re done listening to this episode, please pray for Howard’s internet so he doesn’t have to call Oliver from Linksys again. We thank you for your service!
Don’t forget to swim over to howardkremer.bandcamp.com and pick up your copy of ‘Summah This, Summah That’ to enjoy the only important season, Summah!