Sarah Tiana

Sarah Tiana has been a comedian in Los Angeles since 2003. Originally from Calhoun, GA, Sarah’s act emphasizes the thrills of growing up after “The War Of Northern Aggression” and trying to survive in the current battle of the sexes. Sarah’s big break came after she was recognized for her “breakout performance” as Carmen in four episodes of Reno 911!’s 7th season. In 2005 she helped create a sketch comedy company called The Strait Jacket Society as a way to help young actors in Hollywood accelerate their stage time and gain exposure while still having fun (she has currently put over 500 actors through the program). A trip to Iraq at the beginning of the war is highlighted in the documentary film, “We Love You Mrs. Bevins.” Sarah recently wrote and starred in “The Burn” with Jeffrey Ross for 2 seasons on Comedy Central. She is currently a correspondent on “The Soup Investigates” and a regular on the “Chelsea Lately” roundtable. An avid sports fan Sarah wrote for the ESPY awards and the Rob Riggle NFL segments on Fox.
Guest Appearances
March 3, 2015
Randy and Jason welcome to the show Sarah Tiana. Sarah is a fellow stand up comedian, a contributor to the Sklars latest TV endeavors, and lifelong Braves fan. Then, Dan Van Kirk continues the war on thin mint cookies. Additionally, Dan covers stories from around the globe that include; a 911 call that unites the police with the world’s most liberal hobbit, a couple that found the perfect place to become intimate, and a man who get’s glassed at a 50 Shades Of Grey screening. Lastly, Steven Seagal comes into the studio to talk about his involvement with the Oscars, as well as to shed some light on current events in Russia.