Scott Adsit

Scott Adsit is an American actor, writer, voice actor and improvisational comedian. Born in Northbrook, Illinois, Adsit joined the mainstage cast of Chicago’s The Second City in 1994 after attending Columbia College Chicago.
Guest Appearances
December 19, 2018
In the beginning, Matty B created improv4humans. Then Matty B said, “Let there be a compilation of the greatest biblical improv scenes ever performed on this show”, and there was a compilation of biblical scenes. And Matty B saw the compilation, and called it the Best of The Bible, and he saw that it was good. And improv4humans continued to remain the greatest podcast in the universe, forever and ever, amen.
This episode is sponsored by Squarespace (www.squarespace.com/IMPROV code: IMPROV).
January 10, 2018
Scott Adsit (Big Hero 6, 30 Rock) and comedian Emmy Blotnick (The President Show) join Jo & Manolo to play listener-created games with callers.
Games played: Education Is A Social Construct, The State Exit Game, Crazy Wayne
December 12, 2016
It seems like a good time of year to interview a magical turkey.
Arnie: Arnie Niekamp
Chunt: Adal Rifai
Usidore: Matt Young
Charles the Turkey: Scott Adsit
Spurt the Elder: Andy Carey
Shan Gammador: Shannon Cason
Mysterious Man: Tim Sniffen
Craig: Ryan DiGiorgi
Producers: Arnie Niekamp, Evan Jacover, Ryan DiGiorgi
Editor: Garrett Schultz
Theme Music: Andy Poland
Magic Tavern Logo: Allard Laban
Audio Assistance: Jason Knox
Production Assistance: Garrett Schultz
Live Photo: John H. Abbot
Special Thanks:
The Chicago Podcast Festival
Jonathan Pitts
Tyler Greene
The Athenaeum Theatre
Recording Engineer: Mikel Pickett
Live Engineer: Andrew Dallas
Bread and Roses
This episode is brought to you by SockFancy (www.sockfancy.com/magic), Cards Against Humanity, and Loot Crate (www.lootcrate.com code: GIFTING15).
February 26, 2015
Scott Adsit, Lauren Lapkus, Colton Dunn, and Charlie Sanders receive kisses from the people of San Francisco on this week’s improv4humans with Matt Besser recorded LIVE from SF Sketchfest! They’ll follow some parents who think their baby has abandoned them, create a song celebrating the idea of having one universal language, and haunt a Disneyland ride. Make sure to get the Upright Citizens Brigade television show season 3 now available on DVD, the UCB Comedy Improv Manual, and Dragoon’s new album at dragoongalaxy.bandcamp.com!