Speedy Ortiz

Speedy Ortiz is an American indie rock band from Northampton, Massachusetts, United States.
Guest Appearances
November 21, 2018
Musical guest Speedy Ortiz joins improvisers James Mannion, Vic Michaelis, and Matt Apodaca for a special improv4humans! Speedy Ortiz plays songs off their latest album “Twerp Verse” which inspire scenes about Satan discovering a human more evil than he is, a softball team that shows up to a restaurant right before closing time, and a library that replaces all its books with lemonade. Later, we’ll meet a man who doesn’t want any romance out of his dates and a tour guide for the home of a sports legend’s sibling.
This episode is sponsored by The Jim Jefferies Show Podcast, MVMT Watches (www.MVMT.com/IMPROV), and ButcherBox (www.butcherbox.com/IMPROV code: IMPROV).