Steve-O is a Canadian-American stunt performer, comedian, and TV personality. His entertainment career is mostly centered on his performance stunts on the American TV series, Jackass, and accompanying movies.
Guest Appearances
March 21, 2022
Steve-O (Jackass) joins Andy Richter to talk about doing Jackass stunts in his 40s, finding stand-up comedy and more!
February 6, 2013
Steve-O is taking a break from his surfing adventures to find out Who Charted?! Steve-O confesses to loving the Pop station, cops to owning the Cirque de Soleil soundtrack, and explains what happened to his unreleased rap record during the Ultimate Music Chart. The Movie Chart unearths why he hasn’t seen Zero Dark Thirty and shares when movies went sour for him. You won’t believe what he has done with sharks. Tune in to find out!