Tom Kauffman
Tom Kauffman is a writer on Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty.
Guest Appearances
April 18, 2014
Andrew Ti and this week’s special guest Tom Kauffman finish the week off by discussing an improv troupe in Austin who is doing a show about samurai stories. As always, leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
April 17, 2014
On today’s episode, Andrew and Tom Kauffman discuss if it’s racist to read Colonial literature. Don’t forget to keep leaving us messages by calling (323) 389-RACE.
April 16, 2014
Tom Kauffman & Andrew discuss the ins and outs of affirmative action. Be sure to keep leaving us messages at (323) 389-RACE.
April 15, 2014
Tom Kauffman (Rick and Morty) & Andrew talk about if it’s racist to agree with the stereotype that black people are loud in movie theaters. Make sure to leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
April 14, 2014
Writer Tom Kauffman (Rick and Morty) joins Andrew all this week to answer some racism questions. Today they talk about grocery store sushi. Be sure to call us at (323) 389-RACE to ask if anything is racist.