
Vacationer is a chill, global, hula, indie rock band whose debut album, Gone, is now available on iTunes (but if you buy it from their website you get a free herb grinder, so I think we all know where you should buy it).
Guest Appearances
March 23, 2012
We all love Ellie Kemper. From The Office to Bridesmaids, her cheery smile has brightened big screens and now we’re using her melodious voice to talk about pole dancing, coach punching, and fish advocating. Ellie has traveled from St. Louis to Princeton to New York to Los Angeles and now it’s time for her to vacation in Sklarbro Country! Speaking of vacations, we’re got an awesome band in the studio this week by the name of Vacationer whose island style and briefcase tapping are the perfect foil to Jesse Ventura who joins us to discuss his recent fisticuffs. If you live in Philadelphia, it’s not too early to pick up tickets to see Randy and Jason at Helium on April 12-14. HENDERSON!