Weeksidoodle: February 6

Hey bros! Let’s gos!

Comedy Bang! Bang! is PRETTY star-studded this week: We have “Weird Al” Yankovic, we have Todd Glass and we have Broadway’s favorite daughter, Liza Minnelli!

Do you sense it? Do you sense the magic in the air? It’s probably because we have a magical episode of Professor Blastoff coming your way all about, well, magic.

This week we have a mini-sode for you on How Did This Get Made? If that isn’t enough, well you should head on over to Largo at the Coronet where Paul, June, Jason, and special guests like the aforementioned “Weird Al” will be presenting their hilarious thoughts on Birdemic: Shock and Terror. Be there!

Jake Fogelnest is this week’s Who Charted? guest. I’m not even going to feign neutrality about this. This is going to be great. Fogelnest is a gosh-darned delight and I’m super looking forward to it. If only we could get his cat Egon on the show too…


This week’s improv4humans features three of my absolute favorite improvisers: Jill Donnelly, Charlie Sanders and the ever delightful Ben Schwartz! People wait in line for hours to see these people perform. You can listen to them wearing pajamas and eating cereal. You are very lucky.

I’m super excited that Sue Galloway is going to be on Totally Laime! I saw her one-person show, Pose,  last week and I couldn’t have enjoyed it more. It was a delight. This is going to be great. What a week!